Tweets are broken down by type; regular tweets, replies, retweets, and quotes.
Welcome, @mattrogowski
Tweets by {{ title }}
Tweets by weekday and time of day
This graph shows when you tweet the most, in each hour of each weekday.
Hover over a dot to see a count for that day and time.
Retweets and Likes
This graph shows how many retweets and likes your tweets have received, or how many tweets have been retweeted and liked.
Retweeted and Liked tweets
Out of 20066 tweets, 623 have been retweeted (3.1%), and 2334 have been liked (11.6%).
Retweets and Likes received
In total, your tweets have received 839 retweets and 3789 likes.
Out of all of your tweets, the highest number of retweets received is 30, and the highest number of likes received is 49.
Your Interactions
You have replied to tweets 6636 times, to 425 users.
The user you have replied to most is @chriswb, with 1369 replies (20.6% of all replies).
You have retweeted 1669 tweets, from 646 users.
The user you have retweeted most is @Horrorsc0pes, with 118 retweets (7.1% of all retweets).
You have quoted tweets 783 times, from 395 users.
The user you have quoted most is @BBCNews, with 46 quotes (5.9% of all quotes).
You have liked 511 tweets, from 122 users.
The user you have liked most tweets from is @eiramanna23, with 91 likes (17.8% of all likes).
Top Tweets
These are your top tweets based on retweets and likes.
@film_girl I had to
Dear Apple, please make a backlit wireless keyboard, Regards, Me.
After all this time? Always.
I don't think most iOS users actually want or care about customisation. It's about the only flex I see Android users still peddling. I used to customise my jailbroken phones and I got bored of it and reset it. I'd rather have 6-7 years of OS updates thanks.
If a 10 year old breaks a bottle of beer/wine/etc in a supermarket, would they have to pay for it?? Surely it's illegal, they're underage.
Knew the Rolf Harris cake reminded me of something. Same energy.
“Momentarily” must be being measured on a cosmic scale by NASA here #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope
Apple developer portal, order tracking system. activation system, iCloud, probably other services down. Apple's status page:
To whoever keeps DDoS’ing @mybbgroup, why don’t you go outside and make some friends instead of attacking open source software.